

转自: 英文面试准备


无论是电话面试,还是face to face面试,只要能流利,语速适度的完成1分钟左右自我介绍,基本都可以通关。



01 自我介绍方程式

A. For New Graduates 毕业生自我介绍

我叫小小,xx大学,xx专业毕业。大学期间我顺利通过xx级,xx级,拿到xx证书,我的平均成绩都在Top xx,我是xx协会的xx,是xx志愿者,我在平时还参加了xx实践项目。我熟练掌握英语、计算机和xx,精通office软件,具有(可以开始说你的各种能力)良好的沟通能力,xx能力,xx能力,xx能力,和人际交往能力….我相信我很适合xx职位.谢谢。

I am Xiao Xiao. I recently graduated from ×× University with a bachelor degree in Business Accounting. My GPA was among the top 3 in my class. I passed CET6. Besides studying I was very active on campus. I participated in volunteer activities whenever I had time. I became the Chairman for the Student Union during my senior year. I also worked with Baidu as a Social Media Intern for a semester. I learned a lot about content curation and using social media tools. I could speak (pretty) good English and I’m fluent in Mandarin Chinese (Hahaha…因为我是中国人). I am highly proficient with Office. I have great communication skills. I am an outgoing person. I am very responsible and hardworking. I believe I’m a good fit for the Department Assistant position. Thank you for the opportunity.



B. For Working Professionals 有工作经验自我介绍

我是小小,具有xx年xx领域的经验,现在是xx公司xx职位。之前是有xx年xx行业经验,xx行业xx经验。我的专长是xx比如说品牌管理和业务发展。我也很擅长xx比如说项目管理和活动策划。我英语很好英语、计算机和xx,擅长xx, 在工作中,我曾经获得xx等奖项。我有优秀的沟通技能,有很强的团队精神和自我驱动力。我相信以我的经验和热情我能够在xx岗位上给xx公司的成功做出贡献。谢谢。

I am Xiao Xiao. I have over 8 years of experience in marketing. I am the team manager of marketing for HP since 2013. Previously I worked in IT for a year and retail for another 4 years or so. My specialties include brand management and business development. I’m also very experienced with project management and event coordination. I was voted the 2016 Best Employee among my peers. I could speak (pretty) good English and I’m fluent in Mandarin Chinese(Hahaha…因为我是中国人). I am highly proficient with Microsoft Office softwares and Photoshop. I have excellent written and verbal communication skills. I’m a team player and self-driven. I believe I have the combination of experience and enthusiasm to contribute to the success of Intel Shanghai as the Senior Manager of Marketing. Thanks.



C. Top 10个常用句型


I am highly proficient with…


My grades were top in the class.


I was very active on campus.

I’ve participated in many campus groups, volunteer programs, and practical activities


I’m passionate about…

I’m very familiar with…

I’m experienced with…


I’ve work in marketing/sales/business development/international education for X years


I have x years of management experiences


I took the lead in xxx project which was very successful.


I was recognized as…

I was awarded the…

I was voted the…


I’m a people person.

I’m a team player.

I’m very hardworking.

I’m super self-driven.


I believe I have the right combination of experience and enthusiasm to be successful in xxx position.

I believe I am a good fit for xxx company as the xxx position.

I believe I can do a great job as your xxx.

D: General Skill list 通用技能列表

Personality and Characteristics 好用的性格和特征

A people person; 善于与人打交道的人

A team player; 善于团队合作的人

A good listener;好的倾听者

A good leader; 好的领导

An analytical thinker; 善于分析的思考者

Hard working; 勤奋的


Very driven;自我驱动很强的

Adaptable; 适应能力不错



Business oriented;商业/业务导向的

Results oriented;结果导向的

High attention to detail; 非常关注细节

Skills 技能

Excellent communication skills; 卓越的沟通技能

Outstanding organization skills; 出众的组织技能

Great verbal and written communication
skills in English and Chinese; 优秀的中英文口语和书面交流技能

Good interpersonal skills; 很好的交际能力

Fantastic organizational skills; 极好组织能力

Excellent time management skills;卓越的时间管理技能

Fantastic negotiation skills;极好的谈判技能

Strong analytical skills; 很强的分析能力

Highly proficient in PC skills.精通电脑

Abilities 能力

Ability to work effectively with staff at all levels; 能和各个级别员工高效工作

Ability to interpret financial statements/statistics; 解释财务报表/统计数据的能力

Strong problem solving ability; 较强的问题处理能力

Strong business acumen; 良好的商业敏感度

Ability to prioritize and work within tight timeframe; 能在时间紧迫的情况下安排工作优先等级

Excellent research ability; 优秀的研究/调研能力

Very familiar with labor law and related policies in China; 非常熟悉劳动法和中国的相关政策法规

Fluent in both English and Mandarin Chinese;英语和中文都很流利

Tech savvy;科技通

Ability to adapt quickly to any new accounting/information system; 能够迅速适应任何新会计/信息系统

Computer skills 电脑技能

Good at Office 精通 Office

Proficient in Photoshop 精通PS

High proficiency in PowerPoint 精通PPT

Advanced level proficiency in Excel 精通Excel

Certificate List 证书列表



Certificate of English Interpreting:
Preliminary; 英语初级口译

Certificate of English Interpreting:
Intermediate; 英语中级口译

Certificate of English Interpreting:
Advanced; 英语高级口译

Certificate of Teachers’Qualification (English); 教师资格证书

Certificate of Mandarin Test.普通话测试证书


Personality and characteristics 更多性格特质形容词

aggressive有进取心的,攻击性的 (这不是一个好的特质,听起来像是很有野心)

passionate/enthusiastic 热情的

creative 富有创造性(力)的

insightful 富有洞察力的

diligent 好学的,勤奋的

liberal 慷慨的,不拘泥的,宽大的

nice 友善的

Kind 善良的

friendly 友善的


humorous 幽默的

confident 自信的

imaginative 富想像力的

responsible 负责的

courageous 勇敢的

independent 独立的

demanding 要求多的 (a demanding position对员工要求很多,很高的职位)

individualistic 个人主义的

efficient 效率高的,有能力的

energetic 精力旺盛的

loyal 忠诚的

modest 谦虚的

thoughtful 考虑周到的

motivated 有动力的

positive/optimistic 积极的/乐观的

open-minded 思想开明的

trustworthy 值得信赖的

gentle 温文尔雅的

precise 精确的

good-natured 脾气好的,温厚的

idealistic 理想主义的

witty 急智的

wise 明智的,聪明的

smart/intelligent/clever 聪明的

outgoing/sociable 爱好交际的

easy-going 随和的,跟谁都处得来